2025 Summer Camp ApplicationLoading...Summer Camp SelectionPlease select the summer camp that you would like to apply for. If you are interested in more than one camp, please submit one application per camp.Advanced ManufacturingArt WorkshopsBG CyberguardiansDiscovering Hidden Health CareersFarm 2 Fork: JuniorsForensic Science CampIGNITE STEM JuniorsMarine Biology -The Life Aquatic & BGSUContent Creator CampNews & Sports CampNursing CampPre-Med: Future Med Exploring Health Careers CampPre-Law CampPre-Vet: Veterinary Medicine & Animal SciencePre-Vet: Virtual Veterinary AcademyApplicant InformationStudent First NameStudent Last NameStudent BirthdateStudent BirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900📧 IMPORTANT: If registering multiple campers, please use a unique email address for each registrant to ensure records are not merged. Free email accounts can be created with services such as Google Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Apple Account, Yahoo Mail, etc. Unique school-provided email addresses are also accepted. Student Email AddressStudent Mobile NumberStudent Mailing AddressStudent Mailing AddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal Code Adult T-Shirt SizeNot all camps will be able to provide a T-shirt. Please check camp details to confirm if the camp you are choosing includes a T-shirt in the pricing.SmallMediumLargeExtra LargeXXLXXXLXXXXLNOTE: Only grades listed are eligible for this particular camp. If you do not see your grade in the list option, please select another camp. Grade entering Fall of 20252025 High School Graduate12th Grade11th Grade10th Grade9th Grade8th Grade6th Grade5th Grade4th GradeCollege and universities are often asked by many groups, including funding opportunities such as grants and sponsors, government, accrediting associations and college guides, to describe the backgrounds of their students and employees. In response to these requests, we ask you to answer the following question to your preference.GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to answerOtherPlease select one (1) or more of the following racial categories to describe yourself:Please select one (1) or more of the following racial categories to describe yourself:American Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderWhiteAre you Hispanic?Are you Hispanic?YesNo 🏫 NOTE: If you are not currently in high school, please enter the high school you anticipate attending in the future. Start typing and select from the dropdown list. You can search by school name and/or city and state. High SchoolCEEB CodeSchool Level of StudyHigh School Academic Interests (hold Ctrl or ⌘ to select multiple) Advertising, Communications, Journalism and MediaArchitecture & Construction Management StudiesAviation and Airport ManagementBusiness, Sport Management and Resort and Attraction ManagmentDigital and Creative Arts, Theatre and DesignEducation and TeachingEngineering, Computer Science and MathExercise Science & Physical and Occupational TherapiesExploring your Options and UndecidedForensic Science, Criminal Justice and Law EnforcementHealth Science, Nursing and Speech PathologyHumanities, Languages and International CulturesMusic and Music EducationPre-Professional Programs (Medicine, Law and Veterinary)Psychology, Social Work and Human ServicesSciences and Environmental StudiesHow did you hear about this camp?BGSU Calendar and EventsBGSU Preview Day or BGSU VisitEmail From BGSU AdmissionsEmail From BGSU AlumniEmail From Falcon YouthGoogle SearchIACAC – Illinois Association for College Admission CounselingNewspaper (Perrysburg/Sylvania Advantage, Toledo Blade etc)Social Media (Facebook/Instagram etc)Summercamps.com/GoCamps.com/ACA – American Camp AssociationPostcard/MailerVirtual Fair - Pre-College Programs Summer ProgramsOtherOtherParent / Caregiver of Applicant InformationRelation to CamperFatherLegal GuardianMotherOtherParent / Caregiver First NameParent / Caregiver Last NameParent / Caregiver EmailParent / Caregiver Phone NumberCamp Specific Application QuestionsPlease select the format you are registering for:Please select the format you are registering for:Webinar Only: $50Webinar + Camp Crate: $225Webinar + Camp Crate + Expansion Pack: $275UndecidedPlease introduce yourself and explain what most excites you about attending the camp you have selected.Advanced ManufactoringFor the following activities, please indicate your interest level:Build and understand basic electronic circuits using LEDs, resistors, and sensors.1 - Most2345 - LeastBuild and understand basic electronic circuits using LEDs, resistors, and sensors.Learn programming essentials to control circuits using Arduino or similar platforms.Learn programming essentials to control circuits using Arduino or similar platforms.Design, assemble, and program a robot to complete tasks like navigating obstacles or following a line.Design, assemble, and program a robot to complete tasks like navigating obstacles or following a line.CAD Modeling: Master the basics of computer-aided design (CAD) by creating 2D sketches and transforming them into solid 3D models using industry-standard software.CAD Modeling: Master the basics of computer-aided design (CAD) by creating 2D sketches and transforming them into solid 3D models using industry-standard software.Slicing Software: Learn how to prepare your designs for 3D printing by using slicing software to optimize settings for precision and performance.Slicing Software: Learn how to prepare your designs for 3D printing by using slicing software to optimize settings for precision and performance.3D Printing in Action: Witness the transformation of digital models into physical components with live 3D printing demonstrations.3D Printing in Action: Witness the transformation of digital models into physical components with live 3D printing demonstrations.Testing and Evaluation: Discover how to test and evaluate the performance of manufactured components for functionality and reliability.Testing and Evaluation: Discover how to test and evaluate the performance of manufactured components for functionality and reliability.Please include any other relevant information about your interest in this camp and what you hope to learn.Please tell the camp directors a few things that your child is interested in and what you are hoping for them to learn from this camp.Please select the session(s) you'd like to be considered for:Please select the session(s) you'd like to be considered for:Session 1: June 9 - 13, 2025Session 2: July 7 - 11, 2025For an additional charge of $50 your camper can take part in the before & after care program. Are you interested in adding before/after care for an additional $50For an additional charge of $50 your camper can take part in the before & after care program. Are you interested in adding before/after care for an additional $50Yes, I would like to add before/after care to my registrationNo, I do not need to add before/after care to my registrationWhat type of a crime laboratory work is most interesting to you:What type of a crime laboratory work is most interesting to you:DNA evidence analysisDrug evidence analysisTrace /Pattern evidence examination (i.e. fibers, paint, glass, fingerprints)Why?The Ohio BCI separates evidence collection from scientific analysis. Armed officers collect the evidence at the crime scene while scientists analyze the evidence at the laboratory. Given this information, do you see yourself as a police officer or a scientist?The Ohio BCI separates evidence collection from scientific analysis. Armed officers collect the evidence at the crime scene while scientists analyze the evidence at the laboratory. Given this information, do you see yourself as a police officer or a scientist?Police OfficerScientistUnsureRank workshops based on interest (1 = most interested, 6 = least interested). For additional descriptions of the art workshops, please click here.Please Note: Not all students will get the workshops in the order they request them, workshops will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Textured Metal Band Rings ( 1 = Most Interested and 6 = Least Interested) 1 - Most23456 - LeastCannot Attend Textured Metal Band Rings ( 1 = Most Interested and 6 = Least Interested) Lights Out, Creativity On: Explore Black & White Photography in the Darkroom Lights Out, Creativity On: Explore Black & White Photography in the Darkroom Sketchbook Bootcamp Sketchbook Bootcamp Plein Air Painting: The Essence of Nature Plein Air Painting: The Essence of Nature Design Design Printmaking: Colors and Layers Printmaking: Colors and Layers If there is a class that you CANNOT take, please check the "cannot attend" option and general reason below (if it is a private matter, you do not need to disclose details just list “medical” or similar). Cannot Attend Class Reason Please upload 5 recent artworks (we prefer work be made in the last 3 years). To upload artwork, please click here.What kind of stories would you like to tell? What formats would you most like to share your story – video, radio, print?Where do you get your news and information from?Have you ever done a podcast, radio show or been on camera for a broadcast? (No experience necessary during the camp; campers will have a chance to learn about all of these options.)Have you ever done a podcast, radio show or been on camera for a broadcast? (No experience necessary during the camp; campers will have a chance to learn about all of these options.)YesNoPlease describe a problem our freshwater/marine habitats face that you would like to solve and why do you want to solve it?Using the following website https://www.sciencejournalforkids.org, please find an article related to marine biology and share with the camp staff what you found significant from the article.Please indicate your interest in these areas:Cardiac NurseNot at all InterestedLess InterestedInterestedSlightly InterestedMost InterestedCardiac NurseSurgical NurseSurgical NursePediatric NursePediatric NurseGeriatric NurseGeriatric NurseOncology NurseOncology NurseMaternal NurseMaternal NurseMental Health NurseMental Health NurseOrthopedic NurseOrthopedic NurseMedical-surgical NurseMedical-surgical NurseCritical Care / lCU NurseCritical Care / lCU NurseAdvanced Practice Registered NurseAdvanced Practice Registered Nurse Please share any current or previous experiences that you have in regard to health careers, such as vocational programs like med tech or phlebotomy. It is OK not to have any previous experiences.Please select all that apply:Please select all that apply:I am certified in basic first aid.I am certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).I am a certified nursing assistant (CNA)/state tested nurse assistant (STNA).N/A-I am not certified in any of the above.Here are a few samples of careers in the legal profession. Check all that you are or maybe interested in.Here are a few samples of careers in the legal profession. Check all that you are or maybe interested in.Civil Rights LawyerCompliance AttorneyCriminal Law LawyerDigital Media and Internet LawyersEntertainment LawyerEstate Planning LawyerGovernment LawyerImmigration LawyerLaw Office ManagementLegal MalpracticeParalegalParalegal ProfessionPersonal Injury LawyerPrivate Sector LawyerPublic Interest LawyerReal Estate LawyerToxic Tort LawyerTransactional AttorneyTrial LawyerUndecided / Not Sure Please share any current or previous experiences that you have as it relates to the legal field (internships, mock trial, speech & debate etc.) It is OK not to have any previous experiences as well.Of the following professional health related fields which ones are you interested in learning more about? Select all that apply.Of the following professional health related fields which ones are you interested in learning more about? Select all that apply.Medicine (M.D.)Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.)Physician AssistantDentistryOptometryPharmacyPhysical TherapyOccupational TherapyVeterinary Medicine Please share any current experiences that you have already done or are planning to do, such as observing/shadowing in a doctors office or any volunteering. Please include any school clubs or activities that you participate in and how they relate to your interest in the medical fields. It is OK not to have any previous experiences.What current or previous experiences do you have health-related careers? List any health certifications that you possess (ie. BLS, CPR, STNA). If no experience, please type N/A. Please rank your interest in the following topics: Dietitian Not at all InterestedLess InterestedInterestedSlightly InterestedMost Interested Dietitian Nutrition Science Nutrition Science Medical Laboratory Science (i.e. phlebotomy) Medical Laboratory Science (i.e. phlebotomy) Public Health Public Health Communication Disorders (i.e. speech therapy) Communication Disorders (i.e. speech therapy) Gerontology (study of aging) Gerontology (study of aging) Are there any other health careers you are interested in? Please list and explain. Pre-Vet: Veterinary & Animal Science CampOf the following veterinary related fields which ones are you interested in learning more about?Of the following veterinary related fields which ones are you interested in learning more about?Large Animal (Horses, Cattle)Food Animal Production (Pigs, Sheep, Goats..)Small Animal (Cats & Dogs etc)Zoo Animal & ExoticsWildlife & MarineShelter Medicine - Humane Socity, Animal ShelterResearch & Laboratory Animal MedicineSpecialities - Surgery, Dentistry, etc. Please share any current experiences that you have already done or are planning to do. Experiences such as observing/shadowing in a veterinarian's office or any volunteering. Please include any school clubs or activities that you participate in and how it relates to your interest in veterinary medicine and animal related careers.Of the following veterinary related fields which ones are you interested in learning more about? Of the following veterinary related fields which ones are you interested in learning more about? Large Animal (Horses, Cattle)Food Animal Production (Pigs, Sheep, Goats..)Small Animal (Cats & Dogs etc)Zoo Animal & ExoticsWildlife & MarineShelter Medicine - Humane Society, Animal ShelterResearch & Laboratory Animal MedicineSpecialties - Surgery, Dentistry, etc. Please select all that apply: Please select all that apply:Have and care for family petsPet Sit for Family/FriendsMember of 4HCompeted in 4H EventsObserved/Shadowed a veterinarian.Participated in Zoo Teen programs or similar events.Volunteered/Work at Humane Societies or Animal SheltersAttended summer camps related to animal science/veterinary MedOtherN/A – No current experienceOther Please share what you are hoping to take away from the BGSU Pre-Vet: Virtual Veterinary Academy Does your (Jr.) High school offer any computer science or cybersecurity-related course(s)? If so, can you please name the course(s)?If any, please share any computer programming experience you had.Additional QuestionsAfter reviewing the resource page for BGSU Summer Camps with videos and information directly linked to the content area of your choosing, please share how BGSU will help you achieve your goals and support your career interests.Letter of RecommendationPlease include the name and email of the person you have/will ask to do your letter of recommendation. Recommender NameRelationRelationCoachTeacherMentorCounselorOtherRecommender Email Applicants should send the following information to the person submitting their letter of reference for them to complete this portion of the application. Letter of Reference Online Form & Submission Link: bgsu.edu/falconyouthlorPlease Acknowledge:Please Acknowledge:I understand my application is incomplete until my recommender submits my letter of recommendationTypeTypeFreshman Direct from High SchoolCampusCampusMainSubmit